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Jungle Food Drinks

Why did we create organic and fresh juices from hibiscus flowers?

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In a rapidly evolving street food market, consumer demand is intensifying for organic and vegan food culture.  

Many urban and sporty people now want quick access to 100% organic and fresh drinks.

We exported the star drink from West Africa by creating several flower-based drinks!  


Bissap is the name given in Senegalese Wolof to an infusion of hibiscus sabdariffa flowers, but this drink is found in many countries around the world.

Here are the most common names for bissap in the world: karkadé (Egypt), agua de Jamaica (Mexico), foléré (Cameroon), redcurrant country (West Indies), dableni (Mali, Ivory Coast, or Burkina), karakandji ( Central African Republic), zobo (Nigeria), Ngai Ngai (Congo), rose tea, tea of the Empire, drink of the pharaohs, etc.

The hibiscus sabdariffa used to make bissap, also called guinea sorrel or roselle, is a perennial tropical plant, native to Asia and the Pacific Islands, that grows up to 3 meters tall and at least 2 meters wide . It produces numerous paper-like flowers which, when they wither and the petals fall, reveal the bright red calyx. Although the whole flower can be used to make the drink, generally only the chalice is used.

The health benefits of jungle food drinks?

Hibiscus infusions have been used as a remedy since ancient Egypt, where it was used in particular to lower the temperature of the body in case of heatstroke, as an aphrodisiac, and against insomnia and restlessness.

They are still used today in many traditional medicines.


Action on blood pressure and heart health

Bissap has hypotensive properties to fight against arterial hypertension, and protective properties for the heart.

Studies have been conducted to prove the effectiveness of hibiscus as a natural treatment for high blood pressure. In 2013, a study on people with diabetes and hypertension who consumed 3 glasses of bissap per day, showed, after 4 weeks, a significant drop in blood pressure.

A recent Boston University study of 65 healthy men and women aged 30 to 70 confirmed that drinking 3 cups of bissap juice per day for at least 6 weeks reduced systolic blood pressure for more by 7%.

Another study showed that the infusion of hibiscus sabdariffa may even be more effective than hydrochlorothiazide, a molecule widely used against hypertension, but without showing side effects.

Indeed, no study has shown any undesirable side effects linked to the consumption of hibiscus herbal tea, if this consumption does not exceed the recommended amounts.

Action on cholesterol and triglyceride levels

Bissap is widely used, especially in Egypt, to lower cholesterol and triglycerides in people with metabolic syndrome.

Indeed, a study has shown that hibiscus juice helps people with dyslipidemia to better balance their cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Dyslipidemia is characterized by a high level of plasma cholesterol, triglycerides or by a low level of HDL (good cholesterol) cholesterol.

By fighting against bad cholesterol (LDL) and triglycerides, hibiscus therefore helps prevent the risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease and stroke.

Besides, a study has shown that hibiscus extract is an excellent natural remedy for lowering cholesterol and triglycerides in people suffering from metabolic syndrome.

Antioxidant action

A powerful antioxidant  

Hibiscus infusion is an excellent source of antioxidants, including anthocyanins from the polyphenol family, natural pigments that give the flower its beautiful red color.

These antioxidants protect the body's cells from the effect of free radicals, molecules that lead to premature aging of cells and the development of certain diseases linked to aging: cancer, cirrhosis, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, etc.

Moreover, studies are being carried out to study the effect of hibiscus on cancers, particularly leukemia and stomach cancer for which the results are promising.

Action on diabetes

Studies have shown that drinking hibiscus infusion at least once a day helps the body fight against insulin resistance, thus helping to stabilize and maintain good blood sugar levels in people with the condition. type 2 diabetes.

Action on obesity

According to some studies, hibiscus would lose weight, or at least facilitate weight loss and prevent health problems related to overweight and obesity.

Its effect would come from its properties allowing to accelerate the metabolism, but also to decrease the absorption of starch and sucrose following a meal.

The hibiscus would also prevent the accumulation of fat. One study showed this action in the liver, which can potentially lead to cirrhosis, cancer, or hepatocellular failure. This effect would therefore make it possible to fight against non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NASH), an overload of liver fat unrelated to alcohol consumption.


Action on the urinary system

Hibiscus has excellent diuretic and antiseptic properties, so it is ideal for treating small urinary tract infections and preventing the formation of kidney stones.

Hibiscus is indeed effective for draining the bladder and for the proper functioning of the urinary system in general, properties recognized by EFSA, the European food safety authority.

Other benefits

Hibiscus juice is an excellent digestive which helps fight against all mild disorders related to digestion.

It is an excellent tonic, allowing to fight against the blows of passenger fatigue.

In many traditional medicines, hibiscus juice is consumed to fight against depressive states, acting on fatigue, laziness, lack of motivation, etc. This action would come from the effect of certain bio-flavonoids, studies are underway, to understand its benefits on depression.

Hibiscus has antiseptic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties, it would help treat colds, coughs, tonsillitis, rhinitis, flu and all inflammations of the upper respiratory tract.

Bissap and its analgesic properties not only relieve menstrual pain, but also facilitate them.

As a poultice, it is used to treat oozing eczemas, allergies, edemas and dermatoses.

Summary of benefits of Jungle Food drinks

Hibiscus juice is:

  • antibacterial

  • anti-inflammatory

  • antiseptic

  • analgesic (against pain)

  • diuretic

  • cholagogue

  • emmenagogue

  • hypotensive

  • cholesterol lowering

  • softening

  • anti-asthenic

  • antispasmodic

  • slightly laxative

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